JNS Weekly Podcast

JNS April 3, 2015—click here to listen.


Quantitative analysis of the Kawase versus the modified Dolenc-Kawase approach for middle cranial fossa lesions with variable anteroposterior extension.

Sensory abnormalities and masticatory function after microvascular decompression or balloon compression for trigeminal neuralgia compared with carbamazepine and healthy controls.

April 2015: Craniovertebral Junction Abnormalities

Craniovertebral Junction Abnormalities


In this podcast, topic editor Dr. Douglas Brockmeyer of  the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, speaks with Dr. Sunil Kukreja of the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, Shreveport.  They discuss Dr. Kukreja and colleagues’ article “National trends of incidence, treatment, and hospital charges of isolated C-2 fractures in three different age groups,” which appears in this month’s issue. Find the April issue of Neurosurgical Focus here.