JNS: Spine Weekly Podcast

JNS: Pediatrics Weekly Podcast

JNS Weekly Podcast

JNS May 23, 2014—click here to listen.


Effect of primary empty sella syndrome on pituitary surgery for Cushing’s disease. Clinical article.

The skull of Chios: trepanation in Hippocratic medicine. Historical vignette.

Diagnostic accuracy of intraocular pressure measurement for the detection of raised intracranial pressure: meta-analysis. A systematic review.

JNS: Pediatrics Weekly Podcast

JNS: Spine Weekly Podcast

JNS: Pediatrics Weekly Podcast

JNS: Spine Weekly Podcast

JNS Weekly Podcast

JNS: Pediatrics Weekly Podcast

JNS: Spine Weekly Podcast

JNS Weekly Podcast

JNS: Pediatrics Weekly Podcast

JNS: Spine Weekly Podcast

JNS Weekly Podcast

May 2014: Adult Spinal Deformity: Pathophysiology and Corrective Measures

podcast_sAdult Spinal Deformity: Pathophysiology and Corrective Measures-click here to listen

In this podcast, topic editor Dr. Adam Kanter of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, speaks with Dr. Kai Ming Fu of Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, New York. They discuss Dr. Fu and colleagues’ article: “The minimally invasive spinal deformity surgery algorithm: a reproducible rational framework for decision making in minimally invasive spinal deformity surgery” which appears in this month’s issue. Click here for the May issue of Neurosurgical Focus.