JNS: Pediatrics Weekly Podcast

JNS: Spine Weekly Podcast

JNS Weekly Podcast

JNS Weekly Podcast

JNS: Pediatrics Weekly Podcast

JNS: Spine Weekly Podcast

JNS Weekly Podcast

JNS: Pediatrics Weekly Podcast

JNS: Pediatrics Weekly Podcast

JNS: Spine Weekly Podcast

JNS Weekly Podcast

April 2013: Functional Imaging

Functional Imaging—click here to listen


In this podcast, topic editor Dr. Tejas Sankar  of the University of Alberta, Canada, speaks with Dr. Thomas Picht of Charite-Univeritaetsmedizin Berlin, Germany. They discuss Dr. Picht and colleagues’ article:  “Navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation for mapping the motor cortex in patients with rolandic brain tumors” which appears in this month’s issue. Find this month’s issue of Neurosurgical Focus here.